Saturday 22 March 2008

Happy Easter to all

Easter 2008. I made Easter cards for my grandaughters.

The Angelinas in conversation where to lay the Easter eggs.

My Easter Flower!

Easter 1972

Easter 1967

Easter 1965

Believe it or not:
I saw a snow white bunny
It struck me, this is queer
Because it flapped its tiny nose
And twitched its floppy ears.


Meems said...

Hi titania: I enjoyed your Easters past- brings back memories.
Have a Happy Easter!
Meems @ HoeandShovel

Gorden + Planten said...

Ich wünsche ein frohes Osterfest und einen sonnigen Frühling.

Barbara said...

Thanky you for visiting my blog and leaving a comment. Funy to see that "down-under" you have the same chocolat bunny as we had yesterday on the breakfast table here. You have an interesting blog which is worth to visit regularly. BTW do you speak or understand German (I ask this because of your long gardening near the Bodensee).
Have a good time, Barbara