Lagerstroemia speciosa (Giant Crape-myrtle, Queen's Crape-myrtle, Banabá Plant, or Pride of India[1]) is a species of Lagerstroemia native to tropical southern Asia.
End of winter this tree puts on a brilliant show with its colourful leaves before they fall to make place for the spectacular flowers that follow.

Poinsettias have sparkled all winter long and are slowly on their way out;

We are eating lots of lettuce; when the days turn hot they will turn to towers;

The sun is already warm enough to dry more herbs and Celery leaves which have grown over winter.

Bougainvilleas are starting to flower;

The seed of a birds nest fern has found lodgings in a orchid pot. These seeds are borne by the wind to the most awkward places.

The seed of a Begonia has used the same orchid pot;

Some of the
Bromeliads are flowering at the end of winter;
Ardisia is still holding on to its scarlet berries;

Jacarandas turn to gold end of winter before loosing their leaves. To be crowned in October with the most delightful purple bells.
Believe it or not: Louis the XIV (1638-1715) was very fixated on a good nights sleep. He furnished his palace of Versailles with as many as 400 beds. Each one was lavishly carved and gilded and hung with beautiful tapestries.