Native Alexandra Palm, Archontophoenix alexandrea; the leaves look lovely against the blue of the winter sky. The leaves are very attractive as the underside has a silvery sheen. The ripe red seeds look like a pretty necklace. I like everything about this palm as it also looks splendid when it flowers. Habitat central to northern Queensland.
Bougainvillea Pedro is a Bambino. From time to time Pedro throws out its arms covered in flowers, or actually colourful bracts as the real flowers are tiny, white and star like.From time to time I prune it severely to keep it in check.
I do like the foliage of Tibouchina urvilleana, it nearly flowers all year round but there is a short spell when one can admire the foliage because the big blue flowers always steal the show. The foliage is pleated, silvery hirsute.
I always admired and loved the zonal geranium. This yellow green one has reddish brown zones in the cool season. It also bears orange coloured flowers which look attractive with the yellow green leaves. This plant has hybridised and sports now pink flowers.
Crown of Thorns are easy and attractive plants to grow. This one has very big flowers and also lots of them. It flowers for most of the year. Just starting now again. Easily propagated from stem cuttings which have to be let to dry before planting, because they bleed a white milk.
My all time favourites in winter are the carnations. This kind is the only one which does really well in my area, especially planted in pots and baskets. The scent is delightful.
Ardisia a fantastic plant; no diseases always looking spic and span. Very attractive with shiny and wavy green leaves and lustrous red berries (not edible).
In the cool season the roses rejoice from the summer's heat. This one is Pink Peace. In summer it hibernates barely able to produce a flower.
I hope you enjoyed my cool season's plant choice.
Believe it or not:
The nymph Chloris was persued by Zephyrus, the West Wind, who then violated her. To atone his deed he married her and transformed her into Flora, Mistress of all the flowers.