Tuesday, 23 June 2009

Splashes and Splotches;

The flower has fallen, but a colourful calyx remains displaying bright red splashes.

Begonias are a delight in the shady garden, in these two species displaying dominantly silver and pink splashes and blotches.

Bromeliad, Nidularium, splashes rouge on its leaves when ready to flower.

This is an oddball with its many splotches forming sort of a pattern.

Colloquially called Tigerlilly has splashed and splotched a delicate pattern on its petals.

The always popular Hibiscus, this one is from Cuba, shows off yellow with deep red splashes.

Bromeliad, Neoregelia limegreen splotches and a splash of pink on each leaf.

Truly beautiful, varigation with splashes and splotches.
Perhaps now you had your fill with splashes and splotches....

..... and all I can say, thank you for visiting and have a nice day.

Photos TS.

Monday, 8 June 2009

Green is Good...

In my Garden;

Green reflected in the pond;

Salvia, means healing, green nourishment;

Pretty Ponytail; Beaucarnea recurvata;

Turmeric is a very attractive looking plant; in summer it shows off beautiful white flowers.

Winter is Camellia time.

A native fern grows very tall and fast like a weed is beautiful;

Restful greenery;

Miz Bella, the resident carpet snake tries to catch a bit of the morning sun in the Bromeliads.. At this time of year she is very lethargic, it is getting to cold for her.
Believe it or not:
A word of kindness is better than a rich pie. (Old Russian proverb.)

Friday, 5 June 2009

SkyWatch Friday; Morning;

Storm clouds gathering in the east...

rosy hues enhancing the morning sky in the north.

The tightrope walker has not yet arrived for his morning performance.

For great sky watchers click here
Photos TS

Tuesday, 2 June 2009

Winter Sparklers;










Photos TS

Believe it or not: He is the happiest, be he king or peasant, who finds peace in his home.
J.W.Goethe 1749-1832