Friday 15 May 2009

Mandarine; Citrus reticulata;

In our orchard the mandarins are ripening. The first ones were the Clementines which are smooth, very sweet tasting fruits without pips. We grow different varieties. This one peels easily, has a fine mandarine taste, quite a bit of fibre and a few pips.

The Mandarin orange, also known as mandarin or mandarine, is a small citrus tree (Citrus reticulata) with fruit resembling the orange. The fruit is oblate, rather than spherical. Mandarin oranges are usually eaten plain, or in fruit salads. Specifically reddish orange mandarin cultivars can be marketed as tangerines, but this is not a botanical classification.
The tree is more drought tolerant than the fruit. The mandarin is tender, and is damaged easily by cold. It can be grown in tropical and subtropical areas.

Medicinal uses
The dried peel of the fruit of C. reticulata is used in the regulation of
ch'i in Traditional Chinese medicine
The peel is also used to treat
abdominal distention, enhance digestion, and to reduce phlegm.

Source Wikipedia

Have a nice day!

Photos TS.


sweetbay said...

What a beautiful crop you have there! I would love to be able to grow oranges and other such fruits but it gets too cold here.

Prospero said...

A very appetizing fruit, that Mandarine. What other fruit trees do you have in your orchard?

Helga said...

Mein mann beneidet Dich gerade um die schönen Mandarinen.Sie schmecken sicher viel besser als die Dinger hier bei uns.

Dirt Princess said...

Yum I can almost tate juicy!

Pia K said...

I'm no fan of pips or orange peels, so I rarely eat citrus fruits as they are. Love the flavour though and freshly squeezed juices of ripe fruit are heavenly!

vuejardin said...

So beautiful Mandarine fruits, I always want a dwarf size tree, yours is just perfect size. It hard to take care/ protect the tree from all diseases?

Lavender and Vanilla Friends of the Gardens said...

sweet bay, thank you for your visit.
Prospero, we grow many different citrus, Pecan Nuts, custard apples like Annona, Mangoes, Guavas, Passionfruit, Jaboticaba. We had many more varieties but some are badly attacked by a fruitfly.

Helga; es ist wie mit allen Fruechten die im Hausgarten wachsen, sie schmecken viel besser.

Dirt Princess thank you for your comment, yes they are very juicy and have a really nice taste.

Pia, you are right fresh juice is the best. We juice mainly Tangelos, because they have so much juice it is not possible to peel them, or the Valencia oranges which have a thin skin and are hard to peel. In our orchard the Navel Oranges are the best, easy to peel, fantastic flavour and no pips.

vuejardin, merci for the visit. Mandarine trees are easy to grow. Sometimes they need a bit of pruning, especially if you do not want a tall tree. That's all. It depends on your soil they might need in spring a little fertilizer. We rarely fertilize the trees. They do not like heavy or long lasting frosts.

D'Rimba said...

Nature can give everything feeling to us.........

Unknown said...

Always love reading about your orchard. Gorgeous tree! And a good crop too.

Unknown said...

Oh this orange is one of our children's favorites!!

Gail - Fort Rock Glimpses said...

After reading your post, I had to go eat a small bowl of canned mandarin orange slices. (We didn't have any fresh) Talk about the power of suggestion!

NatureStop said...

That's one of my fav.fruits and you have a great crop.

D'Rimba said...

Are you seroius my lovely friend your comment at my blog? I wish i can taste the fruit one day to feel it...Thanks for remembering me always...

Sue Catmint said...

look yummy, I'm sure better than the ones I am currently buying. I read somewhere recently that 80 percent of people depend on traditional medicines.

HappyMouffetard said...

How wonderful to be able to grow and harvest oyur own mandarins. They look mouth-watering.

Tira said...

Lovely pics. Mandarins were my favorite cirrus fruits when I was a child.

Naturegirl said...

Titania! How lucky are you to live in a climate where you can actually have a tree filled with these tasty delights!
Here I can pay up to $6.00 for a few dozen...that does not stop me from having them every chance I get!

Frieda said...

O wie schön, sogar Mandarinen habt Ihr in Eurem Garten, einfach paradiesisch liebe Titania. Ich kenne nur die spanischen Clementinen aus dem Lebensmittelgeschäft und Du gehst einfach hinters Haus und pflückst Dir welche, spitze! Da muss die Gartenarbeit echt Freude machen, bei solchen Erfolgen, kann ich mir vorstellen.

Sei lieb gegrüsst und einen guten Wochenstart wünsche ich Dir

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

I love the mandarins. The peel, according to Chinese Medicine is good to reduce phelgm though I have not use it myself.

We also cook it in the Chinese Red Bean dessert, which again, I don't cook it myself.

I just eat the mandarin as is.

My lemon tree is just having green fruits.

diane b said...

What a lovely crop of manderines. How do you stop pests? I have lots of lemons on my one mutant lemon tree.

nonizamboni said...

Delicious post today! It must be wonderful to grow your own. Way up north here I can't wait for the clementines; ours our grown in California now and aren't nearly as sweet as the Spanish.
Here's wishing you a great week!

redzlan said...

Beautiful flowers and that orange look sweet.

MedaM said...

I envy you that you have your own mandarin orchard. :-) What a great crop of it! I love this fruit and always enjoy its beautiful taste. I also enjoy its smell when I take it to peel. My older son doesn’t like that fragrance and I cannot understand that at all. I enjoyed this post very much. I have to add that the last photo with those so lovely pink flowers on the stone looks really great.
P.S. You wondered what Dandelion is called in my language and I am glad for that.:-) We call it Maslačak. (Letter “č” for check – “Maslachak”).

Lavender and Vanilla Friends of the Gardens said...

dRimba, thanks for the visit and you are absolutely right.

Kanak thank you for visiting and your comment.

Darla, most children love Mandarines as they are so sweet and juicy, easy to peel and not as big as an orange.

Gail, good on you one has to eat when it feels like it! Truly I have never tasted canned Mandarines. I guess it is a good substitute like canned Pineapple when the fresh ones are not available.

Nature stop, yes, I can say that too.

catmint; thank you for your comment; Yes, usually the best is fresh, like with vegetables too.
But we are bound to buy certain fruit if it is not possible to grow them yourself.

Happy Mouffetard, we have always been fascinated by growing "things"!

Nicole, not any more? Can you grow citrus in your garden?

Liebe Elfe, danke sehr fuer deinen Kommentar. Du, die wachsen einfach. Von Zeit zu Zeit muss man ein bischen die Aeste schneiden und ausputzen. Die Clementinen sind immer zuerst reif. Sie sind klein aber zuckersuess und sehr saftig, der Nachteil sie sind schwer zum schaelen.

Ann, thank you for your comment. I love the Chinese red bean dessert. I have never had it with mandarins. Sometimes I make Mandarine juice ice cream it is delicious. Generally I eat them fresh from the tree.

Diane, we do not have pests on the Mandarin trees. Neither Oranges. The Myer Lemons can have slight fruit fly damage, but the Eureka Lemon does not because it has such a thick skin.

nonizamboni, sun, soil and water play a special role when growing fruit. We have always loved to grow fruit and vegetables. A laden fruit tree, any fruit, is a sight to behold.

Thank you Tabib for your comment.

Meda, Thank you for your visit.
"Maslacak" sounds nice, and starts too with an M! It is interesting with tastes and smells, to some it is beautiful and some can stand it. Like the tropical Durian, it smells like hell, but it tastes like heaven! The pink flowers are Camellias. They fall when they are still beautiful.

Loran said...

Yum! I wish we could grow fruit like that too but it's way too cold in this part of the world.

easygardener said...

So that's what a tangerine is - a reddish Mandarin. I hadn't realised! I prefer Mandarins to oranges as they are smaller (and easier to peel).

Janie said...

Your oranges make my mouth water. They look so delicious. Thanks for the photos and the information on the tree and fruit.

Tatyana@MySecretGarden said...

Hi Titania! This is a fruit of my childhood. We used to get them mostly for holidays, they were not in stores on regular basis then. They were brought from China and we called them mandarines, not tangerines like they call them here in the U.S.