Please click the pictures to realise the vastness of the desert and to see the colours.

The bitumen road turns into a desert road.

Very picturesque.

The stones are millions of years old, slowly integrating, not in my lifetime or the us humans whom are only a short time walking this planet it is infinite.

The painted desert comes into view, it is breathtakingly beautiful in its abstractness.

Where does it begin and where does it end?

After taking in all this strange beauty, our driver asked us would you like to have lunch here?
We all said, yes it would be nice to have lunch now. He, Guenther, started to prepare the table to cook on, the food etc. only one little thing was missing the frying pan, it was forgotten to be packed! Meant as a joke, I said we could go to the next homestead and ask for a frying pan, as we had driven many hours without seeing a house or people. Guenther said, ok, packed everything up and off we went. We drove and drove and drove, the only sound some rumbling tummies! Suddenly like aFata Morgana a homestead and outbuilding came into view.
Guenther went to the door, knocked and came back triumphantly waving a huge, black frying pan. Well to make a long story short, we had a good lunch, even as we had to hold on to the lettuce leaves, as it was so windy.

Patsie's car is another story; Patsy was a Governess and drove for many years every Sunday, attired in her sunday's best, hat and white gloves to church. When she died, they left her car on the side of the road where she used to drive to church.

Sometimes there was a grave along the road; this one was for a little boy, only four years old; so sad.

Plants are very tough buddies in the desert. They have adapted to hot and cold, strong winds and no water.

The stony desert is an awesome place.

In the desert this is a good way to go; home!