In 1942, despite the war, this rose was introduced in France by the name Mme A. Meilland (in memory of Meilland's mother, Claudia), in Germany as Gloria Dei, and in Italy as Gioia. It was an immediate success.
As the famous hybridizer, Sam McGredy, once said, "For the record, Peace is the greatest rose of my time. It's as nearly perfect as a rose can be." So, if you are one of the few people who don't already (or still) grow Peace, you should run right out and get a plant now.
Hybrid Tea / Large-Flowered.
Yellow blend, pink edges. Fragrance. Very large, full (26-40 petals), cupped, high-centered bloom form. Repeats.
Requires spring freeze protection in colder climates.
Can be grown in the ground or in a container.
Photos from my garden TS.
It's a lovely rose! Although I've never grown roses, I can certainly appreciate their beauty.
Lovely sky photo too ... loved the rose coloured clouds!
I have seen this beautiful rose in gardens around here. Thanks for the information. Your sky photo is very pretty.
I have two Peace roses in my garden, they are really gorgeous. Right now, they are not very happy under the florida heat and humidity, and I hope they can bounce back when the weather cools down. Very beautiful rose picture and the sky photo too!
I like the first photo, always like rose buds. The colour is soft and delicate.
Peace is certainly one of my all-time favorites. I am glad to know its background. Thanks for the great info.
Your Peace rose is beautiful! I had one a couple decades ago, when I had planted a rose garden filled with hybrid teas. I soon learned the humidity of Florida summers would not permit the cultivation of hybrid teas and ripped the whole thing out a couple years later. I do remember the Peace hung on the longest, though.
Your pictures are very beautiful. A few years ago I planted rose 'Peace' in our garden.
A lovely rose!!
LG Gisela
Die Gloria D. gehörte mit Queen Elizabeth und Fidelio zu meinen ersten Rosen die ich hatte. Leider ist mir die Gloria vor drei Jahren "ausgestiegen" und (noch) nicht ersetzt worden. Das erinnert mich gerade daran, aus dem Garten meiner Schwiemu einen Steckling zu holen. Ich mochte die Rose auch des wunderbar feinen Duftes wegen ! Sehr schöne Aufnahmen!
Liebe Grüsse aus einem regennassen Garten,
Hi Titania! What a marvellous rose: white and pale yellow, so well shaded. Very nice pictures from your garden.
About your questions, the ramp is of a winter ski lift now waiting for the skiing season. The Cleome flowers (thanks for telling its name, you are really clever) are surely native plants of my area: there are so many everywhere in the mountains.
Happy new week!
Thank you for all the comments.
Tea Roses are well suited for the warm climate. They do not like the humidity and heat of hot summers.In autumn, winter and spring they are at their best. Their life is shortened by the heat and humidity.
Still worth while to grow them if you love roses. The work on them is quite intensive as they are greedy and want to be fed and watered all the time.
Fungi are also rampant in the humidity. Grasshoppers and aphids are also very attracted to these beauties. Sometimes I want to pack them up, like Floridagirl did. But, when they flower all my intentions of removal melt away like snow in summer. So I battle on!
Hi Titania, indeed that is a perfect rose, although I'm not sure how you choose one of so many perfect roses. And how appropriate that you followed this up with a photo of a rose coloured sky! cheers, catmint
a beauty with a gorgeous name, so befitting. i love scented roses, wish i had more of them in garden, but my lack of patience and green fingers, well i'm not sure it's a great idea. but they are amazing flowers indeed.
happy weekend!
WoW! such a wonderful photos indeed.=D
thank you for sharing
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