Rust red Bambino Bougainvillea "Pedro";

It is a show stopper with its long arching canes topped by these unusual coloured flowers. Here it grows together with two Iceberg Roses and dark wine red, small shrub; It is an unusual combination but it works well and I like it a lot.

My long time favourite Salvia guaranitica; blue and black;

Rose Seduction is enjoying autumn and is busy making new flowers. A little visitor is seduced by the pretty pink, tasty pollen and nectar.

Poinsettias are starting to colour...

My neighbours oak leaf Poinsettia is already in full swing. Every Year I look forward to see this tree in in flower, it looks so graceful;

This Cordyline has always been a favourite even when it was not at all in "fashion" thirty odd years ago. I am still thrilled by its flowers and the wonderful colours of its leaves.
It grows happily together with a blood grass. The colours suit each other very well, a planting scheme I am not going to change.

This small palm has grown of its own accord from seed lodged in mulch. I think it is what is called a Parlour Palm. I am not absolutely sure. The flowers are insignificant but the seed berries hanging on bright orange branches are spectacular and make this little Palm very special.

The magical white flowers of Camellia sasanqua. This is a big tree and it flowers first of all my Camellias, starting quite early, end of summer.

Cotoneaster is like a beacon for the birds to sample the berries.
Believe it or not:
"There is a sufficiency in the world for man's need -- but not for man's greed." - M. Ghandi:
Enjoy a very nice week.
Und wieder so schöne Bilder.Bei uns ist der Frühling in voller Blüte.
Liebe Grüsse
Those berries are so pretty, Trudi! And you're right, that bougainvillea is a true showstopper ... can't blame it for showing off :)
It's so strange to think of you anticipating winter when we're in the throes of summer!
Beautiful bold combinations. Your neighbor's poinsettia tree is amazing.
The bougainvilla reminds me of home. Wonderful color.
We had an enormous magenta one that covered 1/3 of the house and garage. Hope you don't have to battle yours.... with those dangerous sharp thorns!
I see them offered for sale here in Oregon and know that while pretty in a pot for the summer, they'll never get very big or survive very long.
Beautiful photos! Love that Cordyline and blood grass combination! Your Camellia sasanqua flower does look so magical. Gorgeous!
Helga, hello and welcome. I have to come over to admire your spring garden.
Sunita, thanks for stopping by my garden today. I like it when plants grow on their own accord. Does the heat and humidity tire you?
Sweetbay thank you for your kind message. Yes, the Poinsettia looks great, I am glad V. does not prune it.
Patrick, nice to hear from you, it is interesting how certain plants evoke memories. No, this on is not to bad as it is called "Bambino"! It can make long thorns, I think it should not. I usually tackle it before it is getting to wild!
Thank you Ami, I do like unusual combinations of plants in the garden.
Wow, poinsettias in May. At this point, I'd just be satisfied with some leaves on the trees and shrubs. Loved the Cordyline. Who cares about plant fashion if you like it, I say....
Christine in Alaska, almost spring
If that isn't a parlor palm its at least in the chamaedorea genus, one of my favorites!
What a variety of garden gems you have in bloom right now. My favorite is the bougainvillea ~ we have tons of it here in AZ and because of our unulsual heavy winer rains it is so lush and heavy with blossoms. I have a new variegated pink and white variety I got last year that I can't wait until it gets a little older. It was killed back by the frost that got my winter tomatoes but is finally making a comeback.
Christine, thanks for your visit, I am sure when spring arrives it is spectacular and very much appreciated!
Rainforest Gardener; Thank you for the identification of this palm.
Hi Kathy, thank you for stopping by. I love Bougainvilleas very much and I think they are not used enough in our area.
Great site, I think we can all learn something from your idea.this is fantastic looking blog..and I love the way you write!
Beautiful images, Titania! All very nice, really very enjoyable!
I wonder of which plants are those little white 5 petals flowers which grow in clusters: there are many here in the gardens in Spring, I've photographed them but I don't know their name!
Happy week!
A great autumn display in your garden. I was told that a Kentia palm is called a parlour palm in Europe. Would it be that? I don't recall them having those kind of berries.
Thanks so much for your nice comment, Titania.
Sunday I've just photographed those little white flowers but not made a post. I'm sure that when you see their images on my blog you'll know exactly their name! Thank you!
Have a nice day!
Hello Titania, your rust red bougainvillea is gorgeous! Now I wish I could find some 'rusty' shade bougainvilleas here. Your neighbour's poinsettia is really wonderful. I am amazes by the show of red bracts. I learnt that the tree needs many hours of darkness to achieve that. Probably your daylight has been shortened this month. In anycase, I wish I could see one poinsettia tree in real one day. Thanks for the photos of so many wonderful plants here Tatania and have a great day!
your climate over there is really great...cool enough to grow so many stuff I cannot grow and tropical enough to grow those that I have here.
Thank you "Gardener" for your visit and leaving a nice comment.
Pietro, thank you I will visit to have a look at your white flowers.
I am very intrigued now!
Diane, I think the Kentia palm might be used as a potted palm until it grows bigger. I have found the name now, it is Chamedorea glaucifolia.
Stephanie, thanks so much for your message. I did not know that the poinsettia needs certain hours of darkness to flower. It could be, because at this time of year the daylight is shortest, it slowly gets longer again afte 21. of June.
It is dark now at 5pm and light at around 6 am, in summer daylight until 7pm and from 4am, It makes a big difference in growing vegetables.
Hort Log; the climate grows many things but it also can be difficult, because it is this in between. I could not grow per example Mangosteen but Custard apples grow well.
That bougainvillea makes me heave with a big sigh. How I wish we could grow those here in the prealps. They grew all over my dad's property back in Hawaii, but I have never seen one in that color. Beautiful.
Hi Rowena, nice to hear from you. I am sure you are missing a "little bit" your tropical homeland and your whole being had to adapt to the cool alpen region of Italy. I really do like also the South Tirol, like the Meran region.
You have beautiful and unusual flowers. Lovely photos. I really like the Ghandi quote.
Awww ... I see a lot of new species ;-) Bougainvillea is one of my famous climber ;-) I have one, but in this year it haven't made flowers yet. But today my garden orchid is blossomin' (it's Dactylorhiza maialis :D)
Your bougainvillea is gorgeous! Our summer is just beginning, so mine are finally ready to bloom again! I don't have this one though, intended on finding a Flame variety this summer...love the bright red, but if I stumble on one of these, it might just be two new additions!
Hi Titania! Looking in a book about flowers, I found some images with the probably name of those white little flowers I spoke with you a few days ago: the name is Spiraea or Spirea. When I post my pictures of those flowers you surely will be able to tell me if the name is right.
Have a very nice weekend!
I am always in awe of your garden photos. What a magical place you have. I think I will plant a Cotoneaster, I know my birds would love that.
I just started to follow Three Monkey's too.
Have a wonderful day my gardening friend!
Weather is milder here and I am taking car of the plants on my deck again. Wish I could have some of these beauties around me!
Janie, thank you for your visit. I am glad you are back.
Fibius, This is really a nice Orchid. does it need special condition in the garden? I guess your Bougainvillea will be in flower in Summer.
Mandy, thanks for visiting my garden! Bougainvillea are such treasures. Once established they just thrive and flower. I love the dark red one too.
Pietro, I will have a look. I grow spiraea, a dark pink one.
Carla; Thank you for your comment.
Cotoneaster would also look nice along a fence as they grow so much horizontal.
Laura, I am sure your balcony will be beautiful and lush looking in no time. Ahh..spring in Paris!
Fabulous series of photos. Always enjoy my visits here. Thanks for stopping by. I loved your "ratata the train sings and people are excited to make a journey." How true!
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