Red or Spanish onions are sown in autumn and grow during winter to be harvested from spring into early summer. They are very mild to use in salads.

The path to the veggies...

Logan and young berries growing outside of the vegetable garden;

Dwarf beans grow in autumn and in spring. In winter the daylight hours are to short to grow them successfully.

Aljnta Strawberries grow in autumn and spring. They are always grown from the new runners they produce after the harvest of the berries.

Dwarf fruit trees are growing on the side of the vegetable garden;

Under the white hats are freshly planted fennel seedlings; they produce bulbs over winter.

Aubergines or eggplants grow generally from spring into winter. This is a very tasty kind with snow white flesh and a medium dark purple skin, very attractive looking and delicious to eat.

The vegetable gardener busy planting lettuce seedlings.

White radish grows from autumn over winter.

Lettuces grow under cages because of the native pigeons, they like it as much as we do.

Sugar peas are sown in autumn and grow through winter cropping well.

Tomatoes, capsicums and cucumbers are still harvested.
Believe it or not:
It is better for you to be free of fear lying upon a pallet, than to have a golden couch and a rich table and be full of trouble.
(Epicurus, 341-270 BC,Greek philosopher)
Your garden looks scrumptious!
Trudi, what a great harvest! I love the look of all those bright, fresh vegetables. I've been growing a lot of veggies too and planning a post on them when I looked you up and here you are, already having done just that! Like minds? Mmmm.... it's just the way a gardener thinks ;D
Well that puts my little vegetable patch to shame. How do you get the beans so leafy? Do you use fertiliser?
Do you plant from seeds or seedlings?Hope you don't think I'm rude asking all these questions. I'm just so keen to be a good veggie gardener.
Your vegie garden really comes into its own in autumn by the look of it. I always like to see what other people are growing in different climates to mine. Most of what you have growing now wouldn't survive at this time of year in Canberra.
A veritable garden of Eden you have there. Everything is so healthy and beautiful!
Wow, those veggies look so delicious! This reminds me I should also start some bean seeds in my tiny veggie garden. Happy harvesting!
As always, your pictures convince me that you live in the garden of Eden. What bounty! Please eat some tomatoes for me. I miss our homegrown.
A beautiful veggie garden! However, I think I would get sidetracked on a journey to the veggies, walking down that wonderful path.
Kathy; thank you for your visit and comment.
Sunita; please Sunita shouw us your veggie patch. I am very interested what you are growing.
diane; everything counts, the smallest plot. You grow beautiful veggies! We grow from sees and we do use compost and some organic fertilizer. Vegetables are greedy feeders. I appreciate you asking about the veggies. Thank you for your visit.
Alice, autumn is a important time for veggie growing in the subtropics. Spring is ok for the more Mediterranean vegetables.
Thank you Rowena for your visit.
Ami, yes do that, a salad of home grown bush beans is delicious.
Gail, thanks for your visit and comment; I will just do that!
Floridagirl, it is happening to me too!
What a great looking veggie garden! Great looking veggies too.
It is so wonderful to have a vegetable farm like yours. Looks like you have most of your regular vege planted and plenty of them. Btw, I like the cage built for the lettuce. Smart way to keep those birds away. Have a pleasant day!
Very lucky to live in a climate where you can grow edibles all year!
The garden looks amazing.
You sure do have a green thumb. I am a Kiwi transplanted to USA so have a slightly different climate to deal with, but am learning to cope.
Good grief. My onions were about a third the size of your beautiful harvest. Mine looked like onions for dolls. I really need to figure this veggie gardening thing out...obviously you have. Things look dynamite at your place. Well done!
Christine in Alaska
Dein Gemüsegarten und seine "Insassen" sehen richtig "gluschtig" aus. Toll deine grosse Vielfalt! Mein Gemüsegärtli ist leider nur klein, aber was drin wächst wird mit Genuss und Freude verzehrt....jetzt dann bald die ersten Rhabarber :-) !
Wünsche dir frohe und erholsame Osterfesttage und grüsse dich herzlich,
I just started my fennel from seed - I'm hoping for a lot of great plants later this season.
BTW - I found your blog through the comment you left on Peace in the Valley.
Interessant, wie ihr auf anderen Seite der Erdkugel Gemüse und Früchte anbaut....Bohnen im Frühling und Herbst. Sind Bohnen eigentlich nur Langtagspflanzen, oder gibt es auch Züchtungen, die an kurze Tage angepasst sind bzw. tagneutral sind?
Wieso ziehst Du Deine Erdbeeren denn im Kübel?
Du hast einen beneidenswert großen Gemüsegarten!
What a wonderful vegetable garden you have. The plants look so healthy. I love the pathway to the garden, too, so tropical. Thank you for sharing your garden.
Your potager garden entrance is ever so inviting! and such a colourful harvest too. Your seed sowing is reminding me that very soon the soil will be warm enough for me to start my veggie seeds too.
I like red onions - they are very colourful. Your veg patch looks very well tended. Those pigeons are the same wherever they are in the world :-)
Your veggie garden looks fantastic! What a joy it must be to you! I do wish I could learn to grow healthy looking veggies...
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