Shady stands of tall trees, sweet fragrance drifts on shimmering wings...
Please click the pictures. 
Where darkness looms...

Where the sun can be glimpsed between the tree tops...

Where vivid splashes of colour cheerfully wink through the dark leaves..

Where spiky plants soar into the sky...

Where the sun likes to play hide and seek...

Where plants grow in all sizes patterns and colours...

Where Salvia madrensis grows tall to show of its pretty, yellow spikes...

Where Gums shed their bark to reveal a smooth peppermint coloured trunk....

Where deliciously coloured Orchids bloom...

Where smooth golden cane grows, Camellias grow fat buds, leaves litter the floor and nourish Bromeliads, Ferns love the shade and Philodendrons climb up trees; this is a small part of my garden and I love it.
Believe it or not:
I wish I had a painted garden
Where the sun spreads golden glitter over rouge and over bleu
Where the clouds drift over rainbows, and the stars are silver raindrops
When the fairies and the goblins, danse le pas de deux.
Your garden is looking fabulous ... just love that salvia and those orchids. You have such lush garden beds full of such a variety of great foliage and blooms.
Your garden looks like a tropical paradise. It's really gorgeous.
Love the way you describe your garden. Beautiful writing! I love those orchids!
Your garden looks and sounds beautiful! It has the mystery of awils garden!
Titania, you live in the fabulous part of the world. Each picture proves it.
Hallo Titania,
wenn ich deine traumhaft schönen Bilder sehe, freue ich mich noch mehr auf den Sommer, oder wenigstens auf den Frühling.
Liebe Grüße
Your garden is so big and has so many variety of plants. I wish I have a garden as large as yours. Currently mine is only a container garden in a suburb. Lucky of you!!! Happy gardening!
What type of broms are in the tree? Beautiful photos, thanks for sharing!
You seem to be living also in the tropics, the plants and trees are so familiar. Very lovely environment.
Ach wenn doch bei uns auch endlich der Frühling käme.Bei Deinen schönen Bildern merke ich noch mehr wie trostlos der Garten noch ist.
Liebe Grüsse
Oh, Titania, what a wonderful, wild, tropical paradise! We clearly have similar taste in plants! I have many of these same beauties, though my garden has not quite filled out like yours yet. And some of my plants, like my golden cane palm, are severely frost-burned at the moment.
Titania, what an amazing garden you have! It's so lush. I am captivated by the tropical gardens as I've relocated to SE Florida only 5 years ago and am able to grow so many new and different plants! I don't think I'd ever leave your yard if I were you!!
Thank you for your generous comments. What a great tea party we could have!
Andrea, yes it is a subtropical area in a rainforest valley.
The rainforest gardener; there are several plants, like Vriesia, Billbergia, Tillandsia and a few Orchids all growing together, it is getting a bit crowded.
Helga, dear, der Fruehling kommt bestimmt!
Floridagirl, always a pleasure to read your comments. Hope you can rescue your golden can palm.
Kimberly, thank you for stopping by it is always nice to meet a new gardener and admire a garden.
I love to watch the sky in between trees like what you saw through your camera lense. Now I wish I can have more beautiful shrubs in my garden too!
Titania, you have such a beautiful garden! These images are absolutely fascinating! I enjoy them very much!
This is a garden paradise you have lovingly created. I shall love to wander around and smell all the purple flowers.
The beauty of your garden impresses me over and over again. What other to say but I completely enjoyed both in your words and wonderful photos.
Einfach wunderschön, deine Gartenimpressionen...und was du in dem kleinen Gedicht ausdrückst, zeigst du in den Bildern. Ein paradiesisches, bunt blühendes Reich! Wie glücklich müssen auch deine Kinder gewesen sein, da "Verschteckis" spielen zu können....ich sehe mich gerade zwischen den hohen Bäumen lustwandeln und in den blauen Himmel schauen ;-) !!
Es liebs Grüessli,
What a fabulous garden. I'm glad you love it so much and happily share it with us.
Your garden looks so natural...
I love it.
Hi Trudi, what a joy to see a garden like yours. Each and every part is so beautiful!
Thank you telling me the name of the blue bloom on my post. I looked up 'ageratum' after reading your comment and was surprised to see the many shades that the blooms come in.
It's always such a pleasure to stroll through your beautiful tropical garden. I'm amazed at the assortment of plants you have growing, and can only imagine all the hours you spend showering them with loving care.
Thanks for sharing your little corner of paradise, dear Trudi.
I'm exulting in our first spring blooms as we finally see the end of the long, cold winter here in upstate NY. I have plenty of snowdrops and the first crocus blooms opened yesterday.
We're having a cloudy, drizzly day today but the past week's weather has been gloriously warm and sunny. Sheer bliss! :)
Hi Trudi,
Your garden is just beautiful. It's been a while since I was here. It is just as you say... so much texture and lush foliage. Most of all it feels so peaceful. I imagine you spend many, many hours giving all those plants lots of love.
So nice to visit.
Titania, I love the tree with the bromiliads! I have some but we plant them in the ground here as they get too dry hanging.
You have the most beautiful gardens I have seen! The photographs make me feel like I am there.
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