Thursday, 30 July 2009

Azalea indica X " Dream Time";

Azalea is derived from the Greek word azaleos which means "dry".

Silvery pink Azalea Dream Time is a great shrub to grow in the garden. It flowers profusely twice a year. It is quite drought tolerant once established. It is very easy to propagate from cuttings in the hot season or layering anytime. It strikes well from cuttings and is quite a fast growing shrub. It can be pruned into shapes. I grow a few bushes which I have propagated from cuttings. It also tolerates sun so the flowers are more intensively silvery pink when growing in half shade.

Azaleas by the nature of their delicate form and fragile beauty could lead the lay person to believe that they are difficult to grow and hard to look after. With few exceptions, this is not so. Azaleas are hardy plants, they are easy to grow, and relatively trouble free. With little care they will give the gardener many years of pleasure and a spectacular floral display. Actually, Azaleas are a series of the Rhododendron family or genus. Azaleas and Rhododendrons were originally classified as separate genera by Linnaeus in 1753 but were both classified under Rhododendron in 1834. Most Azalea botanical classifications now carry the Rhododendron prefix; for example, the popular Azalea Indica group of hybrids is botanically known as Rhododendron simsii. A close comparison of the flowers and foliage of Rhododendrons and Azaleas will show many similarities. Both prefer much the same culture. But gardeners now prefer to treat Rhododendrons and Azaleas as two different species. So, if you see reference on an Azalea label to the word Rhododendron - don't be dismayed. It will be the correct botanical identification, since discarded by all but the most erudite and professional horticulturists! There are two main types of Azaleas: evergreen and deciduous.
In Australia, the evergreen type is the one most cultivated because of its attractive green when not in flower and its ability to withstand drier and warmer conditions. However there are many hybrid groups of deciduous Azaleas. This type is best suited to the cooler moist areas of the Blue Mountains, the Southern Highlands and Canberra. They flower later than the evergreens and the flowers form in trusses. Culture and care is the same as for the evergreen types. A few hybrid Azaleas are notably fragrant.
Exerpts from Davidsons Nurseries

Plant enthusiasts have created azaleas for hundreds of years. This human genetic modification has produced over 10,000 different cultivars which are propagated by cuttings. Azalea seeds can also be collected and germinated.
Azaleas grow best in well-drained soil or in plant pots in a cool, shady position. They are easily damaged by excessive soil moisture and grow best in acidic soil (4.5 - 6.0 pH).[2] Fertilizer is optional, although some species do need regular pruning.
Exerpts from wikipedia

Believe it or not: Make new friends, but keep the old; one is silver the other's gold! Proverb

Thursday, 23 July 2009

SkyWatch Friday; Just Clouds;

All the pictures are taken from different directions in my garden;

Fairy dust;



Silver Lining;

Click here for SkyWatch Friday;

Tuesday, 21 July 2009

Basket Fern; Drynaria rigidula;

I love ferns in the garden. They are cool, tough and at the same time very delicate looking. The basket fern is my favourite.

The long green fronds, ready to be cut off to make room for the fresh ones emerging in spring.

This fern makes its own basket.

Please click pictures to see the intricacies of the nest

Basket Fern: Drynaria rigidula;
The fertile fronds of this fern can grow up to one and a half metres long. They were once divided, with the divisions extending to the rachis (the main axis of the lamina).

The fronds are irregular, leathery and stalk-like with irregularly toothed margins, their spores in a single row on either side of the mid rib (principal vein).

The nest leaves can be up to 36cm long and 8cm wide.

Its distribution is Queensland generally, and northern New South Wales from the coast to the ranges and the tablelands.

The Basket Fern is a very common fern throughout its range that can grow as an epiphyte or lithophyte (on wet rocks).

These ferns can grow to form large clumps, with fronds of two types on one growth. They have small brown leaves that catch leaf litter from the canopy to provide nutrients and larger leaves at the top to carry the spores.

The Basket Fern’s distinguishing features include the pinnate fertile fronds, and the fleshy rhizome (underground stem) bearing fronds of 2 types.

They are easily grown in a pot or basket of coarse mixture.

The Basket Fern forms a micro-habitat of its own as frogs, ants, birds and possums live there and other ferns and plants germinate in the basket.

Info rainforest Australia

Photos TS

Believe it or not; "A proverb is a short sentence based on long experience."
Miguel de Cervantes.

Saturday, 11 July 2009

Colours the Spice of Life:

Pink.....Madagascar Periwinkle


Blue.....Dichorisandra thyrisflora

Believe it 0r not:
More grows in the garden than the gardener sows.
Old Spanish proverb.

Wednesday, 8 July 2009

Three Awards cometh my way!


have given me the Honest Scrap Award.

Thank you Gail and Mo.

I must reveal 10 honest things about me.

1. I am notorious not to play by the rules.

2. I am notorious not to like to play games.

3. I am notorious in changing rules.

4. I have a wicked humour.

5. I like very early mornings.

6. I do not like crowds.

7. I do not like parties.

8. I have never eaten Mc Donalds.

9. I do not like gossip.

10. I am a happy person.

Number 3 is catching up with me. I invite my blogging friends who would like to reveal some Honest Scrap, to do so and follow the rules!

Linda remote tree changer
has kindly given me the Sisterhood award. Thank you Linda.

Friday, 3 July 2009