Pleas click picture for a better view.
I thought this was a nice springtime picture and I would like to share it with my skyWatch friends.
The Black Swan (Cygnus atratus) is a large waterbird which breeds mainly in the southeast and southwest regions of Australia.
European explorers were amazed (Vlaming in 1697) to discover that in Australia swans are black.
They are common birds across all of coastal Australia, and nest in swamps or river estuaries. They are not common in the North West.
They make their nests out of coarse reed stems on a dry bit of a small island, or on a river bank. They lay a clutch of about five eggs which are greenish white in colour, usually in autumn (March-April) or in winter.
They can travel in enormous flocks and move from one feeding ground to another. They will feed in the shallows, or eat grass on the banks.
Swans are a protected species in Australia.
Happy SkyWatch Friday
Hello Titiana !
The black swans are small white ones...
Ich bin mit weissen Schwänen am See aufgewachsen und habe noch nie einen schwarzen gesehen. Gibt es, wenn ich richtig verstehe, keine weissen Schwäne in Australien??
Viele liebe Grüsse aus der kalten und nassen Schweiz, Barbara
Nice the babies are so cute and the big ones are beautiful.thanks for sharing it.
Cool refelection shot for skywatch! Happy weekend! Mine's up too hope you can visit my corner too...
Hi! The black swans are very beautiful. It is funny and interesting that the little ones are white.
Thanks for share so beautiful taken.
Lovely swans. Something we don't see every day!
Thank you for your kind comments on my post earlier. Cute photo of the birds, thanks for sharing.
I like the hint of cloud and sky reflected in the top corner.
Titiana: Wonderful Sky reflection around the Black Swans. We had a friend who had both Black and White Swans in his lake.
Thank you for sharing Titiana. Happy SWF.
Lovely swans and cygnets; a very peaceful scene. Your daughter took a good photo. Thanks for sharing.
Love the swans. Happy SWF.
Hallo Titania,
danke für das schöne Bild und die interessanten Informationen.
Ich wünsche dir einen schönen Frühlingstag!
5 Cygnets in one clutch! The birds must be anticipating a good season, I hope they're right.
Coming back from Sydney last week we saw a pair of swans with no offspring at all, the ducks had a clutch of chicks though.
Hi Titania!
It's really funny to see how is our mother nature powerful making big black swans and little ones white - if it could only make us a bit more respectful to Her...bye and have nice SWF
So sweet - the sky and the family of black swans on water:)
What a sweet family pic! Beautiful!
Danke für dieses schöne Bild. Ich kenne den schwarzen Schwan nur aus den Zoo.
We have a lot of white swans here so how nice to see a photo of a black one. Interesting theme, this SkyWatch. I should try to get involved in this one as the birds should be (or already have begun?) to migrate to warmer climes.
Just a hint of blue on the water?
I found the sky!
I love the babies :)
You can almost even see a sky reflected among the swans - nice picture!
Hi Tatiana
I only recently learned about the black swans and here you do a lovely post of them. The small ones are so cute and fluffy! A very lovely scene in the water.
Lovely photo, with a whorl of cygnets floating around a reflected sky.
Very peaceful-looking scene. There's something wonderful about seeing baby animals of any sort.
Those swan babies are so adorable. What a lovely photo...
Thank you for your interesting and delightful comments. See you next SWF.
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