Mexican tarragon is originally from Guatemala and the Mexican state of Oaxaca.
Family: Asteraceae
An easy to grow perennial. Tagetes lucida is t is native to Mexico. It likes to grow in full sun. This herb grows to a height of 70 cm. It flowers in summer and is not only welcome in the herb garden it is also a welcome addition any where in the garden as it is very attractive and freely flowering with its heads of deep yellow flowers. Remove the spend flowers and it will continuously flower into autumn. The leaves have a distinct aniseed scent and flavour like French Tarragon.
I cut my bushes back in winter.
Food; it can be used like French Tarragon. Leaves can be steeped into vinegar to make Tarragon Vinegar. I dry flowers and leaves to use in my herb salt. It gives the salt an interesting taste but not overpowering just a hint of anis.
A soothing, aromatic herbal tea is made from the leaves.
Planting by seed or division.
Planting Depth: Cover base of crown with soil, firm down.
Details: Cut back hard after flowering to promote new growth.

bright(cf. lux
light) refers to the bright yellow flowers.
What is Paradise? But a Garden, an Orchard of Trees and Herbs, full of pleasure, and nothing there but delights.
William Lawson, 1618.