(Please do click the pictures to see details.)
Signs of autumn are in the air. The sunlight is getting mellow, the temperatures are more agreeable and it is time for the vegetable gardener to get active. The wisteria leaves are golden yellow and start to fall a sure sign the garden goes through a subtle metamorphosis, also not as distinct as in a cold climate garden.

Over summer I grew these tiny capsicums. This is the last crop. I preserve them whole in a sweet vinegary syrup.

The native Bangalow- or Piccabean Palms (Archontophoenix cunninghamiana) put on their wonderful "skirts".

My little Angelinas are looking forward to a rest; laying so many eggs over summer.

Camellias can't wait to put on their show and....
School. She is already learning Italian and she has a real good accent; I am such a proud and lucky grand ma!

Night falls earlier with gentle sunsets.

In the wild garden "Hollywood" provides fruits for the birds, bats and other creatures who are attracted to this red golden harvest.

We grow wonderful Pecan nuts. The ones growing in the orchard are all destroyed by the yellow crested Cockatoos. We have planted two more trees in the house garden to better control the crop. So far we had a few nuts which were harvested by US!